Whether you're a code newbie or a seasoned veteran GetHubby is the best place to meet like-minded singles.
At GetHubby our top priority is the safety of our users. All users are vetted to make sure they are who they claim.
We have a strict no-log policy when it comes to user messages and all user data is securely encrypted on military grade servers.
Our GitHub integration allows you to pick which projects you're most proud of to be displayed on your profile.
Come to one of our Speed-Date-Meets-Hackathon events and you can get to know other singles while you code together!
At GetHubby our top priority is the safety of our users. All users are vetted to make sure they are who they claim.
We have a strict no-log policy when it comes to user messages and all user data is securely encrypted on military grade servers.
Our GitHub integration allows you to pick which projects you're most proud of to be displayed on your profile.
Come to one of our Speed-Dating-Meets-Hackathon events and you can get to know other singles while you code together!
With a match success rate 20% higher than any similar service we're confident we can find someone for you. Don't take it from us though:
John and Ellen
"GetHubby allowed us to look for matches based on more than just a couple of pics."
Read full Q&A Read full Q&AWhat brought you to GetHubby?John: A co-worker met her husband on GetHubby and was telling everyone about it. I figured it was worth a shot!
Ellen: I actually overheard John talking about it in the canteen.
You already knew each other?Ellen: Kind of. Not really. We worked in the same building but separate teams and I actually had been trying to catch his eye at lunch for like months.
John: She claims.
Ellen: It's true! So one day I heard him chatting to one of his team over lunch about using GetHubby so I joined that night!
So you didn't even really need to use GetHubby?Ellen: Oh we did. He's hopeless so I don't think he ever would've noticed me.
Susan and Gordon
"The match suggestions were so great. They helped us to find each other and great friends!"
Read full Q&A Read full Q&AWhat did you do for your first date?Susan: We went to a cheese festival. We'd spoken about how we're both cheese fanatics so it was a natural choice!
Why GetHubby?Gordon: For me, I'd tried a bunch of other apps and just never felt comfortable. It was all a bit too...I dunno, superficial?
Susan: Same for me pretty much. I'd gone on a few dates using other apps but it was too much like just rolling a dice and hoping you had something to talk about.
Are you both developers?Susan: I am!
Gordon: I was but I was always more into the design side of things and an opportunity came up for me to move to the marketing design team.
Susan: Traitor!
Gordon: I know.
Doug and Monte
"We'd be lost without each other. GetHubby really knocked it out of the park for us."
Read full Q&A Read full Q&AWhat did you do for your first date?Doug: We went to one of the GetHubby Hackathons. It was a blast and we hit it off straight away.
How did you fare in the hackathon?Monte: We got first place! We were both very happy about that. I dunno if there would've been a second date if we hadn't won.
Doug: Hey!
Monte: Kidding!
Why GitHubby?Doug: We'd actually met previously at a coding meetup.
Doug: We live in the same neighbourhood.
Monte: Each of us was quite taken with the other but were both too shy! Classic dev move.
Doug: Definitely. I'd been using GetHubby for a couple of weeks when Monte suddenly appeared in my matches and I messaged him right away.